Wednesday 14 May 2014

Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint Review

Such pretty colours :-0

Left: Blueberry, Right: Prickly Pear

I like to think of Blueberry as 'Cinderella' blue! It's such a timeless colour, and I had so many compliments when wearing both.

I'll be honest and say that I am fairly consistent in polish colours; I always stick to pinks, nudes, reds, and purples (and the odd metallic for something special). But I have seen so many beauty gurus talk about pastel nail polish, so I decided that it as time for a change. At first I wasn't sure how it looked against my skin (very light, cool undertones), but the longer I had it on, the more I started to like it.

Despite the colours being so fresh and 'spring-y', I was slightly disappointed with the durability. I tend to stick with No 7, and this lasted no way near as long (2 days looking newly painted). However, you may only want either of these colours on for a short period of time, so I wasn't too fussed (especially as they are only £3.99 each).

I feel I was several years too late on the Barry M nail varnish band wagon! Aside from the lasting factor, I was very very pleased with the colours :) 8/10

Are there any other particular colours I should try from Barry M?


  1. I love Barry M. I usually stick to purples and pinks myself, but after seeing the blueberry, I'm definitely going to try it. Great Blog! I hope you check my blog out too.

  2. I just did and it's great! Thanks for checking in :)
